Jake Lever  - New Paintings

If we were surrendered 

to earth’s intelligence

we could rise up rooted, like trees.

Rainer Maria Rilke from How Surely Gravity’s Law

In this new series of small paintings on paper I wanted simply to play with materials, to experiment freely and respond intuitively to my surroundings.  They were all made outside in the heat of last summer, under the shade of bushes, in a field in the depths of rural Wales.  The tangled web of undergrowth was a frequent starting point, the wax crayon darting around the paper, resisting the subsequent layers of watery gouache.  Silver leaf applied in squares provided a geometric counterpoint to this random mark making, setting up a dialogue and providing ‘quieter’ spaces amidst the busy tangle of web-like marks. The titles (below each image) reflect my joy at reconnection with the land and sea, the latter providing a welcome sanctuary from the intense afternoon heat.  All the paintings are available for sale in the shop.

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